First of two Winter Drizzlers and independent of our other leagues, these are just for fun before the main matches start in the Spring.
For these matches we have divided the match into Carp and Silvers with points being awarded for both, so below you will see two sets of weights and points for each angler.
Today was really tough with a starting air temperature of minus one degree, we spent the first half an hour removing ice from the pegs, although not thick, it was a warm up exercise for the anglers.
We had fourteen members fishing today, which, given the weather was a fair turnout. The match fished from 10.00am until 3.00pm.
Adam retired ill just after the start and tried to sleep in sub zero temperatures on the bank, safe to say he didn't manage that, although he is the first angler to have recorded a catch with a claw hammer! To explain, he was clearing ice from his swim at the start using a hammer attached to a length of rope, and after a chuck, he pulled it in to find a fish attached, shame he couldn't count that!
It was tough fishing with only eight anglers catching out of fourteen. Nobody managed to catch Carp and Silvers, five caught Carp and only three suprisingly caught Silvers.
Bait varied from Maggot, Caster, Pellet and Worm being the main ones.
Thanks to all who braved the weather and especially to those who caught.
We will do it all again, here at Border Fishery in one month on 23rd March, when hopefully it may be a few degrees warmer and the fish more active.
Hope to see you on a match soon.