Second match into the Winter League and there is never a dull match. It started with losing two members in the convoy from Warrington to Cheshire Fishing, one eventually arriving the other 'lost in Cheshire' and subsequently deciding to go home. Other members who hadn't notified us one way or the other if they were fishing??
We eventually had Pools 4 & 5 with the members being split equally across both pools and the match being run like last week as two matches with points being awarded to both. By the time 8.30am had arrived we had eighteen members, so the pegging out was done, the match draw complete all-in was decided at being 10.30am fishing the usual five hour duration until 3.30pm.
Two of our Juniors decided to step up today and take on the Seniors, as you will see below, they didn't have a bad day.
Golden Peg today befell Adam Hill who didn't have a bad day but also didn't win the money either.
Today's weather was glorious with much of the day under blue skies and sun a very light breeze and an air temperature which got up to about 13 degrees Celsius. Better than some of the weather we had in the Summer....
We had a contender for the cheating trophy today by one member, who walked to the other side of the bank to put bait in. Not only that but another member was fishing to the point on the other side of the bank and could have possibly disturbed his swim. Fortunately for the miscreant he wasn't a contender for top points, but had he been, he may well have been disqualified.
Like we said, never a dull day.
Well done to our two Juniors. Tom with a great second place on pool 4 and also equal biggest fish so far this season of 8lb 7oz and to Ethan who got a good fourth place on pool 5. See you again soon.
That's it for this match, you can see the results below.
Next week we are at High Heyes Fishery where normal service will be resumed, ie, one pool, one match and one set of points.
Hope to see you on a match soon.